🤔 How to JavaScript?

Vrezh Oganisyan

Vrezh Oganisyan / January 7, 2022

9 min read––– views

And then he asked: "So, how to learn JavaScript?"

One of the most common questions I came across during the teaching and mentoring experience!

As an answer, I’ve collected all the articles, resources, books, and courses I'd recommend for people who are starting their journey 🔎

Check out my article below 👇


Table of Contents


I think it's obvious that books are the most important attributes in mastering the language or technology. They are helping to form the right mindset for working with hard, big, and sometimes vague material.

I re-read these books a lot of times, and every time I was exploring new ideas and become a better engineer.

1️⃣ At first, I recommend combining two books at the same time: one of them should be more theoretical (e.g. YDKJS), and the other one should be more practical (e.g. javascript.info).

2️⃣ It's important to write down all the code examples from the book. I recommend opening a repository for the book and work with every chunk of code you see.

🚫 Avoid jumping from one book to another. Pick one or two and read them to the end.

Newbie / Intern

"You Don't Know JavaScript" by Kyle Simpsonenru
javascript.info enru
The Definitive Guide by David Flanaganenru
Just Javascript by Dan Abramoven


"Eloquent Javascript" by Marijn Haverbekeenru
Grokking Algorithms enru
Refactoring Guru by Alexander Shvetsenru


🚫 I recommend watching courses or videos only after trying to work with books, documentations, and articles. If you tried everything mentioned above and still have questions, then ⤵️

📝 Watch a video and code alongside the blogger making sure to question every line of code.

Newbie / Intern

Code Basics by Hexletenru
javascript.ninja and youtube channel by Ilya Klimov enruonline
Codecademy enonline
Yandex ruonline
HTML Academy ruonline


Frontend Masters enonline
Testing Javascript by Kent C. Doddsenonline
Hexlet ruonline


Some of these articles helped me to re-learn JavaScript and dive deeper into the language.

From Zero To Hero (Both parts) en
JavaScript naming conventions by Robin Wieruchen
Tasks and Microtasks by Jake Archibalden
Collection of articles about asynchronous JS by Vrezh Oganisyanen
Understanding the Event Loop en
Background Compilation en
IEEE754 standard en

Context Matters

There are things in life one learns lifelong. For example, nobody can ever say that she's mastered English. We learn languages our whole life, making them better and better, learning new words, phrases and constructions. The same with programming languages ⤵️

If you want to grow, surround your environment with videos, articles, and even TikTok (sorry) about programming so you will stay on top. Bloggers are here to help you with that.


🚫 Don't forget to code alongside the blogger.

Ben Awad enyoutube
Wes Bos enyoutube
Adam Wathan enyoutube
The Tech Lead enyoutube
Ilya Klimov ruyoutube
Dan Abramov enwebsite
Robin Wieruch enwebsite
Lee Robinson enwebsite
Fun Fun Function enyoutube
Kent C. Dodds - vids and - articles enwebsite

Twitter Accounts

It's nearly impossible to imagine one's life without Twitter if you want to be at the top of the news.

JS world is growing fast, and the only way to stay updated is to follow some of the most popular accounts. The people who design and create the future of JS, share their knowledge on Twitter.

Ben Awad en
Wes Bos en
Adam Wathan en
Lee Robinson en
Ilya Klimov ru
Dan Abramov en
Andrey Sitnik enru
Jonathan Z. White en
Tim Neutkens en
Mark Grabanski en
DHH en
Maggie Appleton en
Guillermo Rauch en
Vrezh Oganisyan enru
Evan You enru
Rakhim Davletkaliev enru
Kirill Mokevnin enru
Vadim Makeev enru


Smashing Magazine en
Just Javascript en
CSS Weekly en
Javascript Weekly en
Josh Comeau en


Next.js Conf en
Holy JS enru
React Conf en
Web Standards Conf en
JS World Conference en
Vue.js Amsterdam en
Smashing Conference en
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